Tuesday 22 February 2011

Promotional street dancers

As one of our final forms of promotion we decided to use street dancers, using photo shop i created the scene outside of the Harris museum.

We decided to make the background black and white so the dancers stood out.
Above is the first of our A3 promotional boards

lindsey and megan

promotional poster

For the poster we decided it should be very bold and eyecatching with an urban feel, we also decided not to divoldge to much information as the poster would create enough hype for them to come and take a look for themselfs.

 There is different ways we could use this poster here are a few examples.

lindsey and megan

Our logo

We decided to keep the logo simple but effective by using the colours from our final colour pallette and shortening the letters into numbers.

lindsey and megan

MORE Promotion

We have came up with several ideas in order to Promote the store. I have decided to only post up our final Three Promotional Techniques .
( 1.)

Myself and Lynzie thought it would be a really cool idea if we got the Uclan Dance students involved to promote Six = One .The hub would be located outside the Harris Museum as we know , therfore we could have dance mats in place as there is a lot of space to play with . The students could free style outside the hub,  they would be in our personalised garments whilst dancing this would not only attract attention from the local people and students it will also enable us to Promote our Brand effectively.

(2.)  Our second idea is to use Shoe laces , we thought of hanging them from trees and tieing them around  town  leading up from the university. This will create a buzz or a hype as to what they are . whilst having these laces we would also have the occasional piece of marketing as you can see below.

This trend board that Lynzie created could be edited with Our hub Logo on , the where abouts and what it actually is that we stock.

I came across the following images whilst reseachimg into tree and lace promotion. I think the work really well for inspriation . Obviosuly with our idea we would only be using shoe /trainer laces not actual trainers.

 The image below is of a tree that is outside the Harris , this would be the tree that we would hang our laces from.

(3.) Our third idea is to use one of the gum balls located in preston Market . By replacing the toy and gum  inside the ball with small shoe keyring like the one below detaling our whereabouts , what we sell and how to get your hands on one of our unique garments.

Meg , Linsey

Monday 21 February 2011

Promotion experiment

One idea for promotion would be to use ground graffiti. have footprints all through town leading up to our pop up shop. Above is a very rough prototype for the idea.


Final Trend Board

This is our final trend board I took our initial trend board and neatened it up.
It just needs a few finishing touches such as our group number and logo at the top.


Promotion experiments

I started experimenting with some promotional ideas just to get a feel for it.
As there is already a cable running across the shops in the high street, I thought we could use this as a line to hang some jerseys and trainers to get peoples attention.